Think Biz

Are you eligible for the UAE Golden Visa program?

Imagine living and working in the vibrant metropolis of Dubai, surrounded by innovation and opportunity. With Think Biz’s expert Golden Visa services, you can turn this dream into a reality. We offer a wide range of Golden Visa solutions adapted to meet the specific needs of investors, entrepreneurs, professionals, and talented individuals.

The gateway to a prosperous future now!

Get your application for the Golden Visa even if you're currently residing outside the UAE.

The UAE Golden Visa is now accessible from any corner of the globe. Seize the advantages of residency and propel your career to unprecedented heights.

The eligibility requirements for the UAE Golden Visa includes meeting one or more of the following conditions


1. Income-Driven

Qualify for the Golden Visa if you occupy roles such as Chief Operating Officer (COO), Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Director, Manager, or Business Owner.

Simply fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Maintain a monthly salary of at least AED 30,000.
  2. Submit a 6-month salary certificate as evidence of your income.
  3. Provide us with an attested copy of your highest bachelor’s degree


2. Real Estate/property Focused:

Gets qualify for the Golden Visa by making real estate investments in the United Arab Emirates.

How long is the Golden Visa period?

To get 10 year Visa: Invest in a property with a total value of AED 2 million.

Check your eligibility

What are the different types of Golden Visa?

1. Golden Visa for Property Investors

The Golden Visa for property investors is a residency program in the UAE that offers long-term visas in exchange for property investments. This initiative allows individuals to secure residency based on the value of their real estate holdings, providing flexibility with two, five, and ten-year visa options. Property investors also have the opportunity to sponsor family members for extended residency benefits.

Eligibility and benefits:

2. Golden Visa for Investor Categories:

The Golden Visa for Investments Categories recognizes and rewards significant contributors to the UAE’s economic landscape, providing a pathway to long-term residency.

Eligibility and benefits:

3. Income categories:

These Golden Visa options offer residency benefits for managerial, directorial, professionals who have a salary of AED 30,000 or are potentially capable of earning that much salary in the UAE.

Eligibility and benefits:

4. Golden Visa for Genius of Talents Categories:

The Golden Visa for Genius of Talents celebrates and rewards exceptional individuals in various domains, like doctors, scientists, PhD holders etc. offering extended residency options and recognition for their outstanding achievements.

Eligibility and benefits:

Reasons to Choose the Golden Visa:

Embracing the UAE golden visa offers an array of advantages for foreign talents, allowing them to reside, work, or study in the UAE with exclusive perks, such as:

Requirements for Golden Visa:

Passport and Visa Copy
Passport Size Photo
Medical Examination
Educational Certificates
Original Emirates ID
Bank Statement (6 Months)
Salary Certificate
Equivalency Certificate

Golden Visa Process

Step 1

Compile the required documents.

Step 2

We will forward them to the appropriate authorities on your behalf.

Step 3

Pay the applicable Golden Visa costs.

Step 4

Obtain your E-visa and complete the required medical tests.

Why Choose Think Biz?

Experienced Golden Visa Consultants

Our team of experts will guide you through every step of the application process.

Streamlined Application Process

We handle all the paperwork and ensure a smooth application journey.

Personalized Solutions

We customize our services to meet your specific eligibility and requirements.

Comprehensive Support

We provide ongoing support and guidance throughout your Golden Visa journey.

Take the First Step Towards Your Dubai Dreams

Contact Think Biz today to discuss your Golden Visa eligibility and embark on an exciting chapter in Dubai.

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