Think Biz


At Think Biz, we take pride in offering a wide array of services designed to assist our clients with their Dubai work permit requirements. Our services encompass a variety of essential tasks, including the issuance of new work permits and renewals, employer registration in GPSSA (General Pension and Social Security Authority), employee registration in GPSSA, processing of monthly GPSSA contributions, and the registration of both employers and employees for GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) nationals. Our dedicated team of experienced professionals is well-equipped to guide you through the intricate process of obtaining and maintaining work permits in Dubai. We work closely with you to ensure the completeness and accuracy of your application while providing comprehensive support and guidance throughout the entire process.

When you choose Think Biz for your Dubai work permit needs, you can expect to benefit from the following advantages:

  1. A Proven Track Record: We have a demonstrated history of success in assisting our clients in securing and managing work permits in Dubai.
  2. Comprehensive Service Range: Our services cover a wide spectrum of work permit requirements, ensuring that all your needs is comprehensively addressed.
  3. Knowledgeable Professionals: Our team comprises seasoned and knowledgeable experts who are readily available to address your inquiries and provide you with expert advice tailored to your specific situation.
    4. Exceptional Customer Service: We are unwavering in our commitment to delivering exceptional customer service, ensuring that our clients’ needs are met with the utmost care and professionalism.

What We Offer

  • Service for Issuing New Work Permit & Renewals.
  • Employer Registration in GPSSA.
  • Employee Registration in GPSSA.
  • Processing Monthly GPSSA Contribution.
  • Employer & Employee
  • Registration for GCC Nationals.

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